Together with the seeds, we can germinate too

"A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an invisible orchard"; I quote an old Welsh proverb that we often repeat in the Masseria Redenta (Italy) farm to try to remind ourselves about the biological potential of a seed. We are constantly amazed about the marvel of such a small organism, which carries within itself the secret of life. In this new spring that now seems to follow the path of the one preceding it last [...]

2021-03-18T17:40:24+02:00March 19th, 2021|Masseria Redenta, News|

The effect of COVID-19 on Short Food Supply Chains in Flanders

Due to the covid-19 health crisis, in Flanders (Belgium) more people are buying directly from farmers. The reason for this is that consumers are more invested in supporting local economies. An increasing interest of consumers in sustainability and the need for a connection with the origin of our food, also contributes to the increased  importance of short food supply chains.  The increased demand for farm products resulted in an increased supply by farmers. Farmers who want to start [...]

2021-03-16T17:35:34+02:00March 17th, 2021|News, UGent|

Our forests are dying – can we do something?

The annual report presented on February 24th by the German agriculture minister Julia Klöckner  casts light on a worrying truth: forests are dying, in Germany as in the rest of Europe. 2020 has been a challenging year for trees too, as never before so many species have died. Up to four in five trees among the spruces, pines, oaks and beeches examined have thinning crowns or are somehow damaged. Climate change is definitely exacerbating the problem, depleting the [...]

2021-03-05T10:08:07+02:00March 5th, 2021|News, Tinada|

The official presentation of the MA course: eTOMATO international event

On 26th February, eTOMATO consortium organized its first International Event to present the project, the training course prepared thanks to the support of European Commission and to give the opportunity to participants to raise their questions and doubts about the course that each university partner is about to start very soon.  The conference was held on Zoom and more than 70 people participated; beyond the students that will attend the course, also teachers and farmers from different countries [...]

2021-03-04T13:28:49+02:00March 4th, 2021|Conferences, News, Valuedo|