
What is the right size for a farm?

Tweets that the European Agricultural Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski has posted on his profile last month have sparked quite some debate among the agricultural community. In those posts Wojciechowski has expressed his position, which seems to favour small and organic farming over industrial or conventional ones. [...]

Bringing children closer to agriculture

As a result of the urbanization, children in Flanders (Belgium) are losing their connection with nature and agriculture. To prevent this from happening, new collaborations between the agricultural sector and schools are being formed.  A new project called “Boerderleren” was set up, supported by the [...]

Inclusion, digital and green skills: the new Erasmus + 2021 – 2027

The new Erasmus + 2021 - 2027 was launched last March 25 by the European Commission which adopted the first Erasmus + annual work program. The Program budget is 26.2 billion euros, compared to 14.7 billion euros for the period 2014 - 2020, to which [...]

La Junquera, an example of good practices in multifunctional agriculture

La Junquera (Spain), i.e. the partner farm affiliated to the University of Granada (Spain) in the eTOMATO project has been recognized in the Spanish national press as an example of good practice.  Last week, it was published how Alfonso Chico de Guzmán, a trained farmer, [...]

Antonia’s Farm

For this article, we spoke with a Bulgarian farmer about her pathway that lead her to have a farming business of her own. Hello, my name is Antonia Georgieva. I am a farmer and the main activity I have focused on is the greenhouse vegetable [...]

Reforestation Efforts at La Junquera

At La Junquera farm (Spain) we have planted over ten thousand trees this winter to restore the degraded natural landscape. We have found two main challenges during the process. The first one was the selection of species. The farm is located at 1200m above sea [...]