eTOMATO intends to systematise approaches for bringing key skills to University students, traditional farmers and new entrants, turning them into MA practitioners.

The project sustains the collaboration of partner Universities expertise in the domains of MA and Farmers already adopting successful business models inspired by MA to create educational pathways aimed at reducing key skills fragmentation, overcoming the detachment between theoretical training (learned at the University) and practical experience (acquired on the field).
It will develop a path composed of three steps:

  1. Classes (entrepreneurial skills)
  2. e-learning modules (MA knowledge)
  3. Work-based experience (transnational/- national level)

Along with training materials, innovative tools will be developed: Firstly, an MA Readiness Framework, aimed at assessing the internal resources of traditional farms and benchmarking them against the key resources required to implement MA farm within the three MA domains and secondly, a Business Model Canvas, aimed at desi- gning successful and resilient MA busines- ses. For supporting the students and the traditional farmers in developing MA initiatives the Universities will build-up a MA Help Desk (piloted during a Business Model competition) and maintained beyond the lifetime of the project.