eTOMATO 2nd Focus Group: academia and stakeholders of the agri-food scenarios

We have shared the news of a focus group among University students previously in our social media: that eTOMATO has in fact organized a data collection on the themes of multifunctional agriculture. Questions on what MA means and what it should mean have been addressed to soon-to-be experts of agriculture and related fields. Last week instead, the eTOMATO project has met experts from academia and private organizations. Focus of the discussion has been on the ways it is [...]

2019-04-26T10:49:49+02:00April 26th, 2019|News, Universities|

The way eTOMATO partners make use of multifunctionality: the example of La Junquera (ES)

Another partner of the eTOMATO project is La Junquera, in the Murcia province in the south of Spain, where the sunlight and the enthusiasm abound. La Junquera farm works together with the students of the Regeneration Academy on the ways it is possible to accomplish the transition to a different type of agriculture, known to the community as Regenerative multifunctional Agriculture. This means that La Junquera is diversifying its activities to become more resilient and that it is [...]

2019-10-11T18:20:43+02:00April 24th, 2019|Farmers, La Junquera, News|

Masseria Redenta: how do eTOMATO partners look like?

In a previous article we discussed what is about the funding of eTOMATO, and the Erasmus+ programme. But what about those actors making the project come to life? One is the Italian Masseria Redenta: an educational farm which environment is ideal to allow all those who wish, their operational field and age being larger or smaller, to establish a "real" contact with nature and the agricultural world. Activities such as spending a day in the countryside, laying on [...]

2019-10-11T18:20:58+02:00April 17th, 2019|Farmers, Masseria Redenta, News|

But.. how was eTOMATO financed?

If you ever asked yourself which institution does finance a project for e-learning boosting innovation in the multifunctional agriculture sector and why, you will be interested in reading this article. Let us start by saying the eTOMATO is a project financed in the framework of ERASMUS+, which is the European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain [...]

2019-04-01T20:13:54+02:00April 1st, 2019|Dissemination, News|

How to adapt to consumers change in preference? Evidence from the SKIN project

In our current society, we are forced to live fast. Capacity to adapt and transform is needed to follow the quick changes of politics and technology, of our society and thus markets. But where does this speediness come from? Partially, from consumers: it is of them to express desire for things to be always new and innovative, for them to enlarge the horizons of their spheres of understanding. It is important then for the actors providing goods and [...]

2019-10-11T18:21:31+02:00April 1st, 2019|Dissemination, News, Tinada|