One year of eTOMATO

So many things happened in this 2019 for the eTOMATO consortium, so let’s try to recap them and give a perspective of what 2020 will bring to our project! In 2019 project partners met twice, once in Ghent (Belgium) and then in Granada (Spain) to revise together the extensive training need analysis conducted, available on the project website. This research allowed the partners to identify the main needs of students and farmer who are interested in developing Multifunctional [...]

2020-01-28T17:13:34+02:00January 28th, 2020|News, Senza categoria, Valuedo|

Food Waste: How Could We Doing Better?

The problem of food waste is such not only because of its staggering amount worldwide, but also because of the way we are dealing with it. In Europe, each year 88 tons of food are wasted – approximately 173 kg per person. The biggest waste comes from the Netherlands (541 kg/person) and the lowest from Slovenia (72 kg); however, the numbers are still too big and actions still too little on the matter overall. This is especially shocking [...]

2020-01-11T12:54:14+02:00January 11th, 2020|News, Tinada|

Problems and Perspectives of Social Innovation in Rural Areas

Social innovation in rural areas is a strategic priority. Rural social innovation can be clearly identified among the EU's priorities and appropriately addressed in the context of funding under the Rural Development Program. Social entrepreneurship is also addressed in the EU Framework Programs - the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program and the Erasmus+ Education Program, where two main aspects of social entrepreneurship are prioritized – that is, youth employment and lifelong learning. Activities related to the analysis [...]

2020-01-02T12:04:27+02:00January 2nd, 2020|AUP, News|