The new Common Agricultural Policy: a contribution to the goals of the European Green Deal

On June 2021, the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission agreed on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This provisional political agreement paves the way for the formal approval of the necessary legislation by the European Parliament and the Council in the autumn of 2021. The new CAP aims to foster a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector that can support the livelihoods of farmers and provide healthy and sustainable food for society, as [...]

2021-09-23T17:57:35+02:00September 23rd, 2021|News, Valuedo|

Inclusion, digital and green skills: the new Erasmus + 2021 – 2027

The new Erasmus + 2021 - 2027 was launched last March 25 by the European Commission which adopted the first Erasmus + annual work program. The Program budget is 26.2 billion euros, compared to 14.7 billion euros for the period 2014 - 2020, to which will be added approximately 2.2 billion euros from the EU's external instruments, almost double the amount to the previous programming. The Erasmus program has shown all its extraordinary vitality and its effective usefulness [...]

2021-05-06T17:00:56+02:00May 6th, 2021|News, Valuedo|

The official presentation of the MA course: eTOMATO international event

On 26th February, eTOMATO consortium organized its first International Event to present the project, the training course prepared thanks to the support of European Commission and to give the opportunity to participants to raise their questions and doubts about the course that each university partner is about to start very soon.  The conference was held on Zoom and more than 70 people participated; beyond the students that will attend the course, also teachers and farmers from different countries [...]

2021-03-04T13:28:49+02:00March 4th, 2021|Conferences, News, Valuedo|

One year of eTOMATO

2020 is a year that we will talk about in the coming years. If there is something that we have understood, however, it is the importance of resilience and the ability to be able to develop, even in the worst present and in the most uncertain scenarios, a strong spirit of adaptation with eyes always turned to the future. For the eTOMATO partners it was a challenging year, characterized by the preparation of training materials that represent the [...]

2020-12-27T10:04:53+02:00December 27th, 2020|News, Valuedo|

eTOMATO project: let’s take the stoke of the situation before the summer break

Despite the coming summer holidays, the eTOMATO partners are keeping on working hard on the next steps of the project. In this article we want to give you some updates about what has been done so far.  The last months of the project have been very intense, as the University partners with the strong support of farm partners finalized the outline of the courses and completed the creation of the training materials. The partners worked hard to develop [...]

2020-08-01T09:58:22+02:00August 1st, 2020|News, Valuedo|

Last updates on the Etomato project

Despite the difficulties and uncertainties of the historical moment we are experiencing, the eTOMATO project does not stop and all the partners keep working together.  The partners are completing the training materials for the e-learning course, both the introduction course and the single e-learning course on the different MA fields addressed by the project: Rural tourism, Social and didactical farming, Short food supply chain.  During the last virtual project meeting, University of Foggia presented Kahoot! a free game-based [...]

2020-05-27T08:55:28+02:00May 27th, 2020|News, Valuedo|

The COVID-19 and the next steps for the eTOMATO project

The partners of eTOMATO project were expected to gather in Granada on March 18 for a meeting in which to discuss mainly the activities of WP3, and in particular the organization of the training materials and the approval of the general structure of the courses. Given the situation that is being experienced throughout Europe due to the COVID-19 emergency, the meeting could not take place physically in Spain. Nonetheless, the partners, specifically the Universities, ValueDo and Tinada, followed [...]

2020-04-07T10:30:06+02:00April 7th, 2020|News, Valuedo|

One year of eTOMATO

So many things happened in this 2019 for the eTOMATO consortium, so let’s try to recap them and give a perspective of what 2020 will bring to our project! In 2019 project partners met twice, once in Ghent (Belgium) and then in Granada (Spain) to revise together the extensive training need analysis conducted, available on the project website. This research allowed the partners to identify the main needs of students and farmer who are interested in developing Multifunctional [...]

2020-01-28T17:13:34+02:00January 28th, 2020|News, Senza categoria, Valuedo|

Multifunctional Agriculture in Italy: a sector in continuous evolution

Farming today is no longer just cultivating the land, caring for animals and producing food, but it is also connecting that rural world – and its uses, values, peculiarities and capacities - to the surrounding environment. As shown by ISMEA in its Report on Agricultural Multifunctionality and Agritourism (2018) Italian agriculture is one of the most multifunctional in Europe, with activities between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Multifunctional farms carry out activities that go from the production [...]

2019-11-06T13:01:42+02:00October 29th, 2019|News, Valuedo|

The interest of “Agripreneurs” in adopting Multifunctional Agriculture

How can the agricultural entrepreneur, in today's competitive world, make his company more attractive on the market? An effective solution is the adoption of multifunctional agriculture, especially in the fields of social and educational agriculture, rural tourism and the short supply chain. The reasons that led the farmers to undertake this type of initiative are both economic and social: there is the need to promote company productions and find additional forms of income, but they also want to [...]

2019-10-11T18:13:28+02:00September 3rd, 2019|Dissemination, News, Valuedo|