New forms of tourism in the Euganean Hills (Italy): a multifaceted experience to discover the space

In the middle of the Euganean Hills, specifically in the municipality of Montegrotto Terme, the “Museo del Termalismo antico e del Territorio” has recently been opened. As its name indicates, its main objective is to join: hydrotherapy, as a millenary tradition in the Eugene area; and the space, because the museum allows to know other highlights of this geographical space. On the one hand, the thermal water lake with health benefits has distinguished this space since ancient times. [...]

2021-07-15T10:49:42+02:00July 15th, 2021|News, UGR|

La Junquera, an example of good practices in multifunctional agriculture

La Junquera (Spain), i.e. the partner farm affiliated to the University of Granada (Spain) in the eTOMATO project has been recognized in the Spanish national press as an example of good practice.  Last week, it was published how Alfonso Chico de Guzmán, a trained farmer, manages to recover the fertility of the land in a semi-arid environment of southeastern Spain. Link to the article: The work philosophy at La Junquera is very clear: "We are managers of [...]

2021-04-30T10:08:16+02:00April 30th, 2021|News, UGR|

Multifunctional agriculture and forgotten heritage. Traditions of the past?

The open-air agriculture of Poljé de Zafarraya (Granada, Spain) is far from a multifunctional agriculture model. This type of agriculture, very intensive, is highly focused on the production of fruit and vegetable products for sale in large quantities on markets. However, this agriculture has its origin in the hills surrounding the plain, called “Poljé”. Just a few decades ago, these hills were cultivated for wheat, barley, grain, oats, etc., by the local shepherds. They gave a multifunctional use [...]

2021-02-17T11:21:44+02:00February 17th, 2021|UGR, Universities|

Multifunctional rural areas and local development: the case of the Heritage Olive Groves in Almería (Andalusia – Spain)

In the current context, new paradigms have arisen in the public debate. They am at providing tools and positions that are based on another conception of reality that go beyond partisan and bureaucratic visions, and provide the population of rural environments with instruments with which to intervene for their own benefit, transforming said reality without tutelage or external hierarchical projections. One of these cases is that of neoendogenous and local development. From a comprehensive and holistic perspective on [...]

2020-12-11T11:38:37+02:00December 11th, 2020|News, UGR, Universities|

New faces of multifunctionality: a view from the UGR team

Multifunctionality is the fundamental idea to build competitive and socially viable rural spaces in the 21st century. A paradigm shift is taking place, research centers and all kinds of scientific initiatives are advancing in finding solutions, new market niches and activities that have the capacity to combine wealth generation, quality employment, and environmental sustainability. The Department of Human Geography of the University of Granada and its research teams work on different thematic lines: the impact and relevance of [...]

2020-10-07T10:39:25+02:00October 6th, 2020|News, UGR|

Spa tourism: A multifunctional agent of rural development?

Currently, spas are tourist establishments with the capacity to lead the development of rural areas in the “Empty Spain”, where more than 45% of them are located. In many cases, they are the economic base of a significant number of rural municipalities and their regions. They represent an important source of direct and indirect employment, at the same time, allowing the labor insertion of women and young people. These two groups are configured as key agents in development [...]

2020-07-29T09:57:53+02:00July 29th, 2020|News, UGR|


The Spanish rural areas have been going through a very difficult situation for several years now. Lack of institutional attention, flight from young people, fewer services... The lack of competitiveness and the little support received have generated a situation in which new forms and work approaches are necessary to relaunch Spanish economy. In fact, this year 2020 has been the most demanding for this sector, and in February in Granada it was the protagonist of the largest demonstration [...]

2020-05-08T09:23:51+02:00May 8th, 2020|News, UGR|

First eTOMATO Conference in Granada, Spain

On February 7, 2020, it was carried out the 1st eTOMATO conference from the UGR Spanish team, taking place at the Scientific Documentation Center of the University of Granada. Carried out with the collaboration of the Regional Development Institute and the Department of Human Geography, the agenda included different interventions and presentations that aimed to explain the eTOMATO project: its origins, contents, objectives and the first achievements. Together with the intervention of the Professor Luis M. Sánchez, who [...]

2020-03-19T10:33:00+02:00March 19th, 2020|News, UGR, Universities|

eTOMATO Project Meeting in Granada: Working in Cooperation and Enjoyment

On the last Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd of October 2019, all the partners of the eTOMATO project have been reunited in a new meeting in the city of Granada, Spain hosted in the premises of the Faculty of Literature of the University of Granada. The room for the meeting has been in Human Geography Department. The meeting has started with a welcome speech from the Head of Department, Professor Eugenio Cejudo: the next [...]

2019-10-15T11:10:10+02:00October 15th, 2019|News, UGR, Universities|

What’s Next in the eTOMATO project?

The next eTOMATO project meeting will be in Granada, and those days will be used to execute further dissemination events. During the days Wednesday 2nd October and Thursday 3rd October, all the partners of the eTOMATO project will meet at the University of Granada in Spain. During that event, the following work packages will be focal to the work and discussion: Work package 1: Multifunctional agriculture need analysis and identikit of MA practitioners; Work package 2: Elaboration of [...]

2019-10-11T18:14:41+02:00August 31st, 2019|News, UGR, Universities|