On the last Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd of October 2019, all the partners of the eTOMATO project have been reunited in a new meeting in the city of Granada, Spain hosted in the premises of the Faculty of Literature of the University of Granada.
The room for the meeting has been in Human Geography Department. The meeting has started with a welcome speech from the Head of Department, Professor Eugenio Cejudo: the next hours and days the project activities have been developed with dedication and precision. Through different sessions there have been discussed especially the next key points:
- Training needs report for Multifunctional Agriculture (MA);
- Test to be conducted on the 10 farmers -traditional and practitioners of MA- about their resources to get a MA farm;
- Business Model Canvas for MA farms;
- Proposals on pedagogical criteria, architecture and technical criteria for MA courses, both in class and online, and for all the topics (i.e. about entrepreneurship, rural tourism, short food supply chain and social agriculture);
- List of key topics to be considered for the three virtual e-tomato courses: rural tourism, short supply chains and social and didactical agriculture.
All the activities brought fruitful and interesting perspective. The efficiency of this partnership and its innovative approach is also nested in its size – small, making discussion manageable – and the heterogeneity of the group – ranging from farmers, to professors of different subjects, to entrepreneurs.
In the evening of the first day the consortium took some time for socializing. A “Social Dinner” was held in a beautiful location, the Albaicín neighborhood, in a restaurant called Carmen de la Victoria Restaurant, which hosts a Hotel as well and a gorgeous views to Alhambra Castle and Palace on the sunset.
After this event, the Professor Gianluigi de Pascale, responsible and coordinator of the project, shared a seminar and webminar, at the same time, with several students of PhD programs and Master degree of the University of Granada, University of Málaga and University Rovira I Virgilli, explaining the main features, objectives and interests of eTOMATO project for the ones who could be interested to participate and enroll in the next coming training courses.