Multifunctional Agriculture in Italy: a sector in continuous evolution

Farming today is no longer just cultivating the land, caring for animals and producing food, but it is also connecting that rural world – and its uses, values, peculiarities and capacities - to the surrounding environment. As shown by ISMEA in its Report on Agricultural Multifunctionality and Agritourism (2018) Italian agriculture is one of the most multifunctional in Europe, with activities between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Multifunctional farms carry out activities that go from the production [...]

2019-11-06T13:01:42+02:00October 29th, 2019|News, Valuedo|

GOOD PRACTICES of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs)

The SKIN project (Short supply chain knowledge and innovation network) ( is an ambitious initiative in the domain of Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC), which aims to systematize the existing knowledge, fostering demand-driven innovation, building long-term collaboration among European farmers and cooperatives, facilitate stakeholders engagement and promote innovation through demand-driven research in the short food supply chain domain. It deals with re-connecting the two extremities of the food supply chain, reconciling producers with citizens, stimulating mutual trust and establishing a short chain based on common values on food, its origin and [...]

2019-10-28T13:04:11+02:00October 28th, 2019|News, UGent, Universities|

eTOMATO Project Meeting in Granada: Working in Cooperation and Enjoyment

On the last Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd of October 2019, all the partners of the eTOMATO project have been reunited in a new meeting in the city of Granada, Spain hosted in the premises of the Faculty of Literature of the University of Granada. The room for the meeting has been in Human Geography Department. The meeting has started with a welcome speech from the Head of Department, Professor Eugenio Cejudo: the next [...]

2019-10-15T11:10:10+02:00October 15th, 2019|News, UGR, Universities|

Importance of statistics in the development of multifunctional agriculture

Multifunctional agriculture includes economic activities such as providing food and energy supply to the population, as well as environmental and social activities. In the current context of increasing globalization of economic and social processes, the role and importance of agricultural statistical information in the field of multifunctional agriculture is constantly increasing. The rich empirical data from statistical surveys reveals opportunities for establishing patterns in the condition and dynamics of farmed agricultural land, the distribution and use of labor, [...]

2019-10-15T10:44:45+02:00October 15th, 2019|AUP, News, Universities|

Farmers markets – a way to become a multifunctional farm

At the beginning of spring 2019 our farm farm started participating at the local and national farmers markets to distribute our production. We are part of an organisation for Bulgarian organic products and the foundation Bioselena. The foundation Bioselena has a special project for popularisation of Bulgarian products on the market and are organising regular farmers markets in the capital as well as regional famers markets throughout the country. The name of the project of the project is [...]

2019-10-11T17:45:47+02:00October 11th, 2019|ETBLA, Farmers, News|

About Sustainability: Social and Didactic Farming

The debate on Social and Didactic Farming is on the rise recently. The renewed interest is mainly linked to the need of bringing more sustainability into our socio-economic systems. The concept precisely of Sustainability into socio-economic systems embodies both the outcomes different community aim to accomplish and the contest in which people take action.  Sustainability means at least fulfilling three main achievements: satisfying economic performance, high-level environmental preservation and  valuable actions for social inclusion. Socio-economic systems means considering [...]

2019-10-23T17:24:26+02:00October 9th, 2019|News, UniFg, Universities|

Why you should put your future in the hands of a minor

Unless you live on a remote island, or indeed on a boat in the middle of the ocean, you certainly have heard about the incredible boat journey the young activist Greta Thunberg undertook to cross the Atlantic and cover, in an very unusual and environmentally friendly way, the distance separating her house in Sweden from New York, the location where the UN Climate Action Summit has been held in September 2019. Last Monday, September 23rd, Greta has held [...]

2019-10-11T17:48:02+02:00October 7th, 2019|Farmers, Frankenagro, News|

Multifunctional Farms: Let’s Start from Bees

One of the ways La Junquera farm is working on becoming more multifunctional and diverse is by attracting different agro-entrepreneurs. Together with these entrepreneurs we are trying to find ways to involve more business opportunities on our farm and beyond. One of these efforts is sustainable beekeeping which has much added value to the farm, the yields, natural areas, biodiversity and an ever-shrinking bee population in the area andon a global scale. We work together with Agrolavia, a [...]

2019-10-11T18:10:26+02:00October 5th, 2019|Farmers, La Junquera, News|