Step by step we are getting closer to the summer. The sun shines more often, the temperatures are rising slowly, and the days consists of more sun hours. It has been a turbulent winter at social farm Tallaart (Belgium). The Pandemic has forced us to change our way of working. We had to adjust both our daily routine and the organisation of our camps to keep the farm going. And we did it with great success! The camps were fully booked, we were able to keep welcoming our usual groups and we even got to start new guidance programs!

“For the upcoming summer, we are looking to renew the program with some surprising activities.”

Now it is time to get ready for the next season: summer. It was clear that our summer camps at the farm have grown in popularity. Even before the month of April, we were fully booked. We decided to extend the camp with two extra weeks! And yes, their registration is also exploding.

The intern, volunteers and employees on our social farm are working hard to organise an amazing summer for all the children. Of course, we will be keeping our usual activities. Live on a farm will still be the main theme. Petting horses, pony’s, goats, bunnies and chickens, playing in the hay and feeding al the animals will still be on the program. 

But we are also looking to surprise with some new activities! Last camp -, we had a farrier on the farm who came to give a little demo and we had a volunteer who organised a cooking workshop. For the upcoming summer we are looking to renew the program with some surprising activities for little farmers.

To some up, we are preparing for a summer filled with adventures! Children will be surprised with new activities, experiences and learning opportunities. And on a Covid-proof manner.

Check out our website for all the updates